Type: Passenger/Ro-Ro Cargo Ship
Flag: Italy
IMO: 9229740
MMSI: 247171200
Lengthbeam: 60 / 14 m
Gross: 2369
Summer DWT: 160
LOA: 60
BEAM: 17
Year Built: 2000
Current Course: 245
Latitude / Longitude: 41.02395 / 13.24538
Current Draught: 3
Reported Destination: ITPNZ
Reported ETA: 2000-12-26T09:00:00.000Z
Current Port: Gaeta

DON FRANCESCO built in 2000 is a vessel in the Passenger/Ro-Ro Cargo Ship. Its IMO number is 9229740 and the current MMSI number is 247171200. The vessel has callsign IBYW. Summer deadweight is 160. Her current width is reported to be 60 / 14 m meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 60 meters. DON FRANCESCO is sailing under the flag of Italy. Latest reported draught is 3 meters

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Disclaimer: DON FRANCESCO current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Maritime Database provides technical specifications, tonnages, and management information. The information is provided by Maritime Database for free and without any assurance. DON FRANCESCO data is provided for informational reasons only, and Maritime Database assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or reliability.