Vessel Name: FPSO POLVO
Type: Offshore Support Vessel
Flag: Singapore
IMO: 7822122
MMSI: 563086800
Gross: 138849
Summer DWT: 247131
LOA: 341
BEAM: 55
Year Built: 1981
Current Course: -1
Latitude / Longitude: 25.24578 / 55.26561
Current Draught: 10
Reported Destination:
Reported ETA: null
Current Port: Dubai

FPSO POLVO built in 1981 is a vessel in the Offshore Support Vessel. Its IMO number is 7822122 and the current MMSI number is 563086800. The vessel has callsign 9V6367. Summer deadweight is 247131. Her current width is reported to be meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 341 meters. FPSO POLVO is sailing under the flag of Singapore. Latest reported draught is 10 meters

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Disclaimer: FPSO POLVO current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Maritime Database provides technical specifications, tonnages, and management information. The information is provided by Maritime Database for free and without any assurance. FPSO POLVO data is provided for informational reasons only, and Maritime Database assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or reliability.