Admiral Ship Supplier
  • 6 Free-Zone, 1st Gate, Port Ta
  • Suez, Egypt
Zipcode: 43255
Country: Egypt
Phone: +20623194057

Admiral is a maritime services provider specializing in the provision of general ship supplies, stores, spare parts and leading technical maritime brands through its extensive network over all the Egyptian ports.

Admiral Ship Supplier provides the full range of items according to the IMPA and ISSA catalogs as well as any item which may be found on board any type of sea-going vessel as well as rigs and vessels.

  • Available at all Egyptian ports
  • Best in class service & supply
  • 24 x 7 days service available
  • High-quality branded
  • Largest network across all ports
  • Fastest supply chain

  • Admiral ship supplier provides the best provisions for vessels including fresh vegetables, fruits, deck & engine stores, cabin stores, safety & fire fighting, nautical charts & publications, bonded stores, and medicines. Your crew members deserve the best. They deserve the admiral´s provisions. Admiral is particularly active where it has a presence in the Suez Canal area and all Egyptian ports.

  • General Ship Supplier
  • Offshore Catering Services
  • Spare Parts & Parcels Delivery
  • Petroleum Services
  • Turnkey Solutions

  • As Egypt’s leading General Ship Supplier and ship chandlering, we are proud to provide a comprehensive retail service that caters to all aspects of the marine industry, no matter how niche they may be. Whether you are the owner of a private yacht or a commercial cruiser, we offer a huge range of online chandlery products of an exceptional standard.

    We have class apart facilities including large warehousing space, energy-efficient refrigerators and a fleet of modern climate-controlled vehicles which deliver a full range of food and technical stores to our customers.

    We will never compromise on quality, service, and value.

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