Seatech Marine and Cargo Surveys
- Orlando Caliman Street, Nr.780, Jardim Camburi
- Vitória - ES, 29090-220
Zipcode: 29.090-220
Country: Brazil
Phone: +55 27 99644.0750

Seatech Marine & Cargo Surveys was founded in 1993, at Vitória, EspÃrito Santo, Brazil with the purpose of performing high quality services and attending exactly the specific needs of the clients with a reasonable and compatible price.
Seatech attends a wide range of services, being the Pre-loading (steel products / iron ore / fertilizers / grains), On/Off-Hire Bunkers and Conditions, Bunker Quantity, Hold’s Grain Cleanliness Condition and Draft the most requested surveys.
Strategically based in Vitória, Seatech can reach the ports of Tubarão, Praia Mole and Vitória within few minutes. Seatech owns four cars and a modern facility with first line equipment including computers, cameras and operative system, in order to well attend the services and in a quick and professional way.
Seatech also performs surveys all over the Brazilian territory, such as Acu Port, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, ItaguaÃ, Pecém, Suape, Barcarena, Vila do Conde, Itaqui, Manaus, Belém, Aratu, Paranagua, Rio Grande, São Francisco do Sul, etc. Our staff is composed by qualified professionals with years of experience in the maritime market.
- Pre-Loading / Unloading;
- P&I Surveys;
- Draft;
- On/Off-Hire Bunker and Condition;
- Bunker Quantity Survey, ROB;
- Holds Inspection (Grain Cleanliness Condition);
- Internal Audit ISPS / ISM.
- Flag Liberia – LISCR, LLC – Operational Safety Inspection.
- Flag Marshall Islands – Operational Safety Inspection.
- Flag Vanuatu – Operational Safety Inspection.
- Flag Malta – Flag State Inspection.
- FCR;
- Ultrasonic Test;
- Tally;
- Hose test to verify water tightness of hatch-covers;
- Sealing of Holds (Hatches + Manholes);
- Salinity tests with silver nitrate;
- Underwater inspection;
- 221B Bunker detective investigation;
- General and bulk loading/discharging survey;
- Accident/Casualty Investigation;
- Cargo damage;
- Pre-purchasing;
- Warehouse inspection.
SEATECH MARINE & CARGO SURVEYS in its activities, technical expertise and cargo surveys in ports and vessels strives for excellence in the provision of its services, committing itself to:
Continuously improve service delivery processes;
Implement continuous actions aimed at improving the management system;
Seek permanent customer satisfaction;
Meet the requirements applicable to the business;
Permanently seek the sustainability of the business;
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Associated Companies
Shipping Directory
Ship Owner/Manager/Operator
Marine Equipment
Port Agent
Ship Broker
Ship Manager
Shipbuilder & Repairer
Ship Chandler
Consultants & Surveyors
Maritime Lawyer
Port Operator
Port Authority
Towage & Salvage
Maritime Schools
Ship Breakers
Port Facility Security
Seafarer's Missions
Maritime Organisation
Classification Society
Ship Finance
Marine Insurance
P & I
Engine Builder
Port Towage
Port Repairer
Marine Computing & Internet
Corporate Headquarters
Pilotage Authority
Civilian Authority