Country: India
Address: 15, Strand Road, Kolkata - 700 001
Phone: (91-33) 2230-3451
FAX: (91-33) 2230-4901
Country Time Zone: +5.5
Port Time Zone: GMT +5.5
Latitude: 22Ί 33.0' N
Longitude: 088Ί 20.0' E
Status: Alternative Name
Kolkata Port is India's only riverine port with two dock systems - Kolkata Dock System at Kolkata with the oil wharves at Baj Baj and a deep water dock system at Haldia Dock Complex, Haldia for sea borne trade. It has the most sophisticated port facilities with extensive storage facility for diverse cargo. With a modern computerised container terminal, Kolkata port offers a very customer friendly approach.