Country: China
Port Authority: Hainan Port Management Bureau
Address: Basuo Port Adminis Office
State: Hainan Prov
City: Dongfang County
Phone: +86 890 552 2512
FAX: +86 890 552 1054
TELEX: 490221
Country Time Zone: +8
Port Time Zone: GMT +8
Latitude: 19Ί 06.0' N
Longitude: 108Ί 37.0' E
Status: Port Open
The Port of Basuo is situated on the east bank of Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea, at the middle of the west coast of Hainan Province and in Dongfang County. <br><br> The Port has 6 berths for vessels of 10,000 dwt and 2 berths for vessels of 1,000 dwt and has become one of the deepwater ports in Hainan province. It has been opened to navigation to and established trade contacts with many large ports in China and ports in more than 20 countries and regions. <br><br> During the Eighth Five-Year Plan period, the reconstruction work of the breakwater and two new general cargo berths for vessels of 20,000 dwt were completed. The total designed annual throughput capacity is now 4.15 million tons.
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Ports in China